food and nutrition

Himalayan Goji Juice

Question: is Dr Mindells Himalayan Goji juice a drink as the FDA says or a Natural Juice? Since it is made from a concentrate and re constituted from a concentrate and a alot of additives and preservatives added it does NOT qualify as a Goji Juice but a Goji drink. It doesn't have to be pasteurized as it has nothing beneficial in it. Check the LABEL. If it were a Goji Juice it would have to be PASTEURIZED as REQUIRED by the FDA. IT has nothing beneficial left . It could be added. Read the label. If it isn't on the label -it isn"t in the bottle. USE Goji 100 instead and get the real Goji Juice .

Answer: It is a drink...not a juice, It isn't pure Goji therfore not Goji Juice.

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