food and nutrition


Question: What are the main needs of humans and how can they be acquired? What makes humans different from other animals (animates)? Humans have same needs as animals, and what are they? Humans have more needs than animals and what are they? What must be provided free or at a very low price to humans? Why humans strive for animals (biological) needs? Can governments (countries) comprehend and establish the basic needs cost-effective? If so at what compensation? Must humans buy/pay for real humans (spirit's) needs such as “free admission” tertiary Education etc at very very low prices to compensate the biological needs offered free or at very low prices?

Answer: The only thing that separates humans from other animals is that we are more aggressive and have a need to kill anything that puts up competition for us, and, by the grace of evolution, we've acquired the ability to use and make tools, as well as having a sense of self. Almost everyone likes to think we are smarter than all other animals. However, this is not the case. Other than that, we are just the same as any other animal. we need living space, food, water, etc. We compete for resources and mating. When our mind is overwhelmed with physical, mental, or emotional sensation, we listen to instinct rather than reason. We strive for biological needs because that is the ultimate goal of every species on earth-- to survive. Every natural resource should be provided completely 100% free to us. they only have prices because our govts like to make money off of us, so they put prices on our natural needs. The compensation would be the possible misuse of the resources, but think about the people who have none of these resources. i'm sure they will not misuse them, for they know what it's like to not have them. I hope i answered at least most of your question.

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