food and nutrition

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

Question: Do olives have any of the same health benefits of olive oil? I realize that olives are very high in fat and in sodium, and that the sodium, in particular, is not healthy. Olive oil is high in fat (the good kind) but has no sodium, so is obviously a good choice in a health-conscious diet. But do olives themselves offer any benefit from having the same kind of good fat that's in olive oil??

Answer: Olive Oil (extra virgin) is better for you than olives. Olive oil reduces the lipoprotein ('bad' cholesterol) level in your blood, and keeps cholesterol from sticking to the walls of your arteries, thus assisting in fighting against diseases such as heart disease and strokes. Additionally, olive oil helps to control blood sugar, helping to combat the onset of diabetes. Many use olive oil to prevent skin damage, and to ensure healthier hair. Olives contain fenol-like substances, which are thought to aid in the prevention and cure of thrombosis and arteriosclerosis. Olives are rich in Vitamins (particularly Vitamin E), minerals, monounsaturated fats, and anti-oxidants, and thus help to prevent cancer, arthritis, osteoprosis, constipation, inflammation and asthma. Hope this helps! God bless.

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