food and nutrition


Question: What are the best herb plants to pot together to start a herb garden? Tried to grow a herb garden with a mixture of herb plants, but some plants needed more water or sunshine then others and eventually they all died. I need advice on what plants are best potted together. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.

Answer: Hi: There are so many different types of herb plants. Most herbs will flower and require a good amount of sunshine. You can plant a wide variety in one defined landscape garden. I grew over 5,000 seedlings in a greenhouse and then incorporated them throughout several beds. Your goal is to find out which ones are annuals and which are perennials. If you are doing one bed, group the annuals in one part and the perennials in another. On my website in Landscape Articles I have about six pages on herbs. I also have a full herb design in my Examples of Landscape designs as well as the eight basic culinary herbs in my gallery of plants section. I will take you to my site map as well as the landscape articles and gallery of plant section. Browse through and I am sure you will be able to get some useful information. I hope this will help and if you need any other questions resolved, please feel free to contact me. Have a great day! Kimberly

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