food and nutrition

Natural Health

Question: Natural health?? Does anyone know of some natural/handy health remedies to improve both your physical appearance and mental wellbeing? I'm looking for answers such as... 8 hours sleep a night will make you look and feel fresh and reviatlised.

Answer: Try a body cleanse. :) Try "Supreme Cleanse." I do those three times a year. It makes me feel great. It's about $40 at Whole Foods. It's totally natural. I also work out for 1 hour a day. That gives me much more energy, however if you only want to do 30 minutes (min) that'd be fine too. That helps me fall asleep quicker and I generally sleep very soundly. I keep an air purifier in my bedroom. I've also noticed that that has helped me sleep more soundly. So basically, like you said - get enough sleep, BUT it needs to be good sleep so you wake refreshed. IMO your well-being revolves around how well you sleep! GL!

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