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Question: Be accepted to the Coast Guard Academy? Hey, I just finished my junior year of high school. I would LOVE to go to the coast guard Academy. I would like any advice as to how I should go about it. What can I do in the next year to higher my chances. I plan on joining the coast guard regardless. If I don't get into the Coast Guard Academy, I will go to college for Interior design, and join the Coast Guard after. My GPA is roughly a 3.4... and I'm taking the SAT this Saturday so I'll see how that goes. I know that's low, but I"m going to try and bring in up my senior year. I am or have been involved in extracurricular activities such as NOSB (National Ocean Sciences Bowl), Hault Hunger, I've been President of Yearbook for two years, treasurer for one, I've been taking college courses since sophomore year, I have 20 college credits, have been a "Fundraising Coordinator" handling large amounts of money to raise money for NOSB trips. What should I do to better my chances of being accepted? I plan to work my butt off this year, I just don't know what exactly to do. Join a swim team? join another sport? What else can I do? Even if the odds aren't in my favor, I'm still going to try, so anything helps. Thank you! My college GPA is rather low. I overloaded myself with both highschool and college classes =/ I'm not exactly sure, but it's a 2.something. I'm hoping to bring it up. I can take 6 more classes for free, so if I get all As it should come up.

Answer: Start getting your package together and apply for early action before Nov 1. You'll find out if you're accepted by Dec. 24. Good luck.

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