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Blood Pressure Too Low

Question: Can blood pressure meds lower your blood pressure too low? I was put on blood pressure med at the doc the other day. My blood pressure was averaging 140/90ish. I took the first pill yesterday and when i took my blood pressure today before taking the meds it was 116/79. I haven't take the meds yet because i was kinda worried that if i took it then my BP would drop low.

Answer: Yes, they can but yours of 116/79 is not too low. Normal BP ranges from 90/60 to 120/80. The lower it is up to 90/60 without any symptoms like dizziness, nausea, feeling faint the better for you. I see no reason to stop your BP pills at this point. Just keep hydrated and take your pills. A lot of reasons people have low pressure is lack of fluids (water) so keep hydrated and take your meds.

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