food and nutrition


Question: How long should an echinacea tincture stay fresh in the fridge? I bought an echinacea tincture about 5 months ago, new and unopened in a bottle. I have kept it in the fridge since and forgot about it. I found it and decided to add it to my tea till it's gone (as long as it's still good). Anyway, how long do they stay fresh and potent in the fridge for? Thanks. I had no idea where to post this... Hope it's the correct section.

Answer: they should at least a few years. my mother uses them and has kept tinctures for years and they've been fine. if it's only been months then it's definitely fine -- when you start going on 4-5-6+ years then it will become less potent. eta: ahh, found something too: (not too sure how credible the source is but it seems to go along with what I've heard).

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