food and nutrition

Fight Cancer

Question: Are there any natural remedies available that can fight cancer? I want to know about options post chemotherapy? As of now, chemotherapy is the only viable option available to fight cancer immediately after diagnosis, but even after chemotherapy, the prognosis is not always good for all people. I have read a lot about asparagus, graviola, etc. but I haven't come across one person who has prolonged his/her survival. If you know, please post your answer. Thanks.

Answer: Well Rup is incorrect. Linus Pauling never had cancer. He is the only person ever to receive two unshared Nobel Prizes — for Chemistry (1954) and for Peace (1962). He won several awards through the years, all in sciences or humanitarianism. He died in '91 at the age of 93 He considered orthomolecular medicine a crucial adjunct to standard medical practice and therefore did not rule out conventional treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, when considered appropriate. There are complentary treatments to go WITH standard medical care.

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