food and nutrition


Question: So what's the difference between me and a flexitarian? just wondering, because I mostly eat vegetables and dairy, I eat meat occasionally, usually for medical purposes and I like it. So how am I different from a flexitarian? A flexitarian is a vegetarian who basically eats some meat for health or family purposes. I like meat, but still isn't a flexitarian BASICALLY the same thing as a meat eater? Just because your a meat eater doesn't mean you eat meat all the time.

Answer: For those who have not heard the term "flexitarian" before ... Google it and you will get thousands of hits. Also, Google "Flexitarian Diets". Flexitarian vegetarians are noted for balance and moderation in their diets. They do not need supplements or stress over social situations or wondering if they get enough nutrients or get "bored" with the same old food. They can eat in a restaurant with "normal" people. You are a flexitarian vegetarian. You are intentional about making plants the major part of your diet. Flexitarians typically allow 10-30% of their diet to be a moderate amount of fish, seafood, poultry and on occasion "red" meat. I focus on fish and seafood about 3 x's per week. Flexitarian came into the English language in 1992 and in 2003 the American Dialectic Society named it the most useful word of 2003. Many cultures ... like the Japanese are vegetarians and have self-identified as such for centuries. But if they eat meat it is usually fish and seafood in moderate amounts. They have the world's healthiest diet and live the longest. They too come under the new term "flexitarian" . .. as do you.

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