food and nutrition

Food Diet

Question: How do you start a raw food diet? My husband and I are both obese and need to lose 80-100 pounds each. A friend recommended a raw food diet, where you eat as much as you want without having to cook. Does anyone know where I can get info on how to begin, any supplements/vitamins that would be necessary (or how to get everything our bodies need from this type of eating), without me having to order a book?

Answer: First of all DO NOT try to just switch to raw food! Please, you could hurt yourselves. i was a natural food coach for many years - there is such a thing as a TRANSITIONAL diet- you know from whatever you eating now - ease you body into the raw diet. if you are really want to do this then do it safely - i just checked online - i studied with a lovely woman named "ANN WIGMORE", before i answered your question i went online-she's still in business! GREAT for you guys- go a head and put her name in your search bar and go! TONS of info. if you're serious her program IS the best i have ever come across. and yes i was a raw food freak for about 5 yrs or more-i had asthma- i have it NO MORE-that was about 25 years ago- i'm still asthma free. when i started to have children my husband and i thought it would be best to ease back into a cooked veggie diet( we've been veggies for over 30 yrs & yes raised a family as veggies too. boys are over 6' and daughter is beautiful and almost 6' tall). the lady ANN WIGMORE is a wonderful person i'm very fortunate to have had her association. and would recommend her program to anyone trying to become a raw food type-be it for permanent or temporary she would be the best - Good luck hope this helps

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