food and nutrition

Good Cholesterol

Question: Good cholesterol? Can anyone tell me what is an ideal cholesterol for a middle aged woman? thanks.

Answer: Dyslipidemia is elevation of plasma cholesterol and/or TGs or a low HDL level that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Causes may be primary (genetic) or secondary. Diagnosis is by measuring plasma levels of total cholesterol, TGs, and individual lipoproteins. Treatment is dietary changes, exercise, and lipid-lowering drugs. Cholesterol -Get your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels checked at least once a year. (Target: Below 100 mg/dL). Triglycerides. (Target: Less than 150 mg/dL) Serum Cholesterol (Target: Less than 200 mg/dL) HDL (good cholesterol) (Target: More than 50 mg/dL) Eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet. This kind of diet includes cottage cheese, fat-free milk, fish (not canned in oil), vegetables, poultry, egg whites, and polyunsaturated oils and margarines (corn, safflower, canola, and soybean oils). Avoid foods with excess fat in them such as meat (especially liver and fatty meat), egg yolks, whole milk, cream, butter, shortening, lard, pastries, cakes, cookies, gravy, peanut butter, chocolate, olives, potato chips, coconut, cheese (other than cottage cheese), coconut oil, palm oil, and fried foods. Blood pressure. Get your blood pressure checked every visit. (Target: Below 130/80 mm Hg) Glucose (Sugar) test. Control your blood glucose & do self-monitoring as & when required. (Target: Fasting blood sugar 60-100 mg/dL; Postprandial blood sugar 2 hours after food-Less than 140 mg/dL) Health life style. Exercise regularly & stay healthy.

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