food and nutrition

Good Grooming

Question: good grooming? how can i tell a friend that she has unnecessary smell from her armpit? please help... also, what are the causes, and remedies?

Answer: i think it is best to be honest and tell your friend about his body odor in a constructive manner. Tell her how concerned you are, that you being his/her friend wants the best for him/her. Tell her that it would be much better if she could deal with his body odor issues, explaining to him/her how important to be well groomed at all times and you being his/her friend, help her out in the best way you can, like assisting him/her in choosing products that would help him/her on maintaining a well grommed body. There are a lot of products in the market, and choosing the right product depends on individual body chemistry... so it is better to try a few products for certain period of time then compare them. It also depends on the activities that you do, how active you are. The food that we eat can contribute to it, so minimizing certain food that would aggravate his/her condition will be a help. Considering that sweat is the main reason, bacteria found in the skin is a factor. Bacteria feasts on the sweat. so the best way is to remove what causes the bacteria. A two to three times daily shower will be necessary and depends on the daily activities. Followed by a good after shower routine and application of body spays or deodorants or anti-perspirants or a combination of two will do. If you want to go natural, a lime juice bath can also be good. It just taking a squeeze of lime in a hot tub. Actually there are really plenty of ways, choosing the best one will be by tryin what suits you.

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