food and nutrition

Kre-alkalyn Creatine

Question: KRE-ALKALYN Creatine? Hi Guys, I workout and started to use (3 days back) Kre-Alkalyn by Biorythmys based on the sales man/personla traner's recommendation, did anyone try it, any tips u can provide plz. Note that I was using a Creatine powder that did helped me well also, however, i had a problem bloating and was real difficult for me to uncover my abs. anyway, it is at the same time a question and some knowledge I would like to share with all sportsmen on here about this Kre-Alkalyn (for those who do not know about it of course. Please let me know what u think of it (those who have tried it or on it already. Thx. J.

Answer: Hi. I did take this for a spell and I have to say that after a few days, I felt incredible! I was speaking to a pro rugby player about this a while ago and he told me that he knew a few players who had benefited from taking it, but for him, he just started to put on weight (I think he meant the right kind of weight). As he said himself,"I don't need weight". He is a really big guy anyway, you might know the type, he is an indiginous Kiwi and a bit of a human machine. I personally think the stuff is amazing, but I don't take it today, because I really don't know enough about it to be sure that it's wise to do so.

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