food and nutrition

Liquid Mangosteen

Question: Pounds away liquid weight loss program? Ok today, I brought a pounds away with hoodia, mangosteen, green tea, cha de bugre, and l-carnitine drink. Has anyone actually used this product and did it actually work.

Answer: Pounds away liquid: Hoodia Gordonii 300 mg L Carnitine 250 mg Green Tea Extract 100 mg Cha De Bugre 100 mg Guarana 15 mg In my opinion there is not enough of any one ingredient to be that effective. There are three main ingredients in that pill, hoodia, green tea and cha de bugre. Hoodia is an appetite suppressant the other two are metabolism boosters. I suggest getting two separate supplements, one appetite and one for metabolism. For Hoodia to work you need 750 to 1000 mg. per pill that is certified to be genuine. They usually don't put enough Hoodia in these big chain store brands to do much of anything. You will have the best chance of hoodia suppressing your appetite if you get a strong pure hoodia that is certified to be genuine. I always recommend Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at in the "Confidence" column it will indicate if the brand is "Certified". These Hoodia brands have the credentials to back up their product. Also in that column it will indicate if the brand is "Returnable". These Hoodia brands allow you to return opened bottles and get your money back. This indicates to me that the company has confidence that it works. As for Cha de Bugre and Green Tea, you can find a good comparison at Hope this helps, if you want to know more about Hoodia I have written a lot of articles on it. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them. Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement.

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