food and nutrition


Question: What are some little dogs that are really good at agility? Are bigger dogs better at it then little ones? What are some little dogs that rock at agility? I'm talking in the 8-13 inch dogs at the withers (shoulders) I am getting a smaller dog but I'm not sure if she'll be good at agility so I would like to know of some other little dogs that do really well. Are larger dogs better then the smaller ones?

Answer: Anything with a racy build: Jack russell Poodle (win a lot of competitions!) Chinese crested Papillon Lanashire heelers(not racy, but herders so bound to have speed and energy) Shetland Sheepdog (but these are a bit taller, 14-14.5 inches) Border Terrier (win a lot!) Min Pin German Spitz Klein Japanese Spitz Schipperke Larger dogs will have quicker times, as you would expect, but competition is just as fierce amd exciting in the smaller classes. Good Luck!

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