food and nutrition

Low Carb Diet

Question: Does a low carb diet cause you to lose muscle? If so, what is the most effective way to lose body fat? I'm currently doing cardio 3 times a week coupled with power strength training twice a week. I used to eat good carbs (like multi grain bread, wheat and granola cereal, etc) and have lost 15kg in the past 6 months with about 10% of body fat down. Recently one health instructor I met told me that going on low carb is even better and I'll lose weight even faster. I have since then (for about a week now) been on a low carb and it feels weird to be on a low carb, high fat & protein diet since I've been on a low fat diet for some time. I've also been researching and it seems low carb diets are unhealthy. Is this true? Pls advise. Thanks.

Answer: The weight you initially lose in a low carb diet is water. The body needs carbs to burn to make energy. It's not going to get much from your fat cells, but rather your muscle cells. Every professional I have talked to highly discourages low carb diets.

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