food and nutrition

Protein Supplements

Question: Protein Supplements? what if i was to take lots of Protein supplements and not work out, would that be bad for me? what would happen? would i get fat or would i just crap it out? any otha info woud be useful

Answer: The main thing you have to be careful about when taking in extra protein is the fact that it makes your kidneys work harder. It's not necessarily BAD for your kidneys, but if you're raising the protein level you need to drink more water -- probably double what you drink now -- and no, sports drinks, energy drinks, soft drinks, and fruit juices do not count, so drink WATER. You should also know that protein takes more energy to digest than fats and carbs, so increasing your protein intake can help you lose weight, but with all foods you eventually get to the point where you're taking in too many calories, and when that happens your body stores them as fat. So if you don't want to gain fat you'll need to monitor your caloric intake and make sure you're eating about the same as before or a little less.

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