food and nutrition


Question: Scar......................................................? Scar's.what color should a scar be when it heals. cause mine is still rather pink and gets purple when its cold and I noticed when I have a few beers it gets really red and its a rather long scar on my arm like 7 inches. It sucks and it's already been 2 years healing. Has anyone has this experience with a scar.

Answer: its unusual that it stays pinkish for so long, but it depends on your general tone of skin - fair skin stays longer pinkish. It will probably become better through the summer, but if you feel uncomfortable with it I recommend going to a plastic surgeon. They have the best experiances and treatment (e.g. creams or plasters) to make scars disappear. But it is important that you go to an approved surgeon, because in this field are many windy doctors... The cram might cost a ittle, but its deffinitely working Good luck to you ;-)

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