food and nutrition

Workout Routine

Question: Workout Routine? I have just started working out again. I am trying to get onto a good workout routine, but I am not sure which muscle groups to work on a given day. i was thinking, Chest and arms 1 day. Shoulders and back another day, and then legs another day. and then repeat. Is this a good workout routine, or could i group another thing together to make it 2 days and not 3. And is this the correct way to work those muscle groups?

Answer: well the best work out routine i have found is do heavy weight low reps (5X5) on mondays do chest and tricepts.. tuesday do bicepts and back... and legs on wednesday. and thursday do alot of high rep low weight.. (4x10).. on all upper body.... run three times a week and do crunches 4 times a week and .. u have to rest on the weekends so ure body will recover... remember drink plenty of water...

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