food and nutrition

Healing Power Of Vitamins

Question: Have you tried to enhance your healing power? Enhance Your Healing Power Samuel, July 09, Adapted Generalist document Life often seems frightening and uncertain, especially when we are facing medical problems. We need to find a good, reliable, affordable way to optimize it and enhance healing power. Professional help and medication can aid in healing, it cannot force us to become well, if we are internally at odds with our lives. The placebo effect shows that self-healing can occur when people are convinced they are getting the right medication. This power can be used to enhance the healing process to help proper medication work even better. This document is intended for those who want to optimize their lives and accept that they can, and want to, make the causes, once they are shown how. The question naturally occurs, “What are the right causes to best optimize life for ourselves and others and enhance healing powers?” The causes should be based on what is verifiable and universally true. There are three kinds of causes; thought, speech and action. All three, except those triggered by autonomic responses, are directed by our minds and described with language. Our minds are inseparable from language. Voluntary actions follow from thought, or the prejudices and opinions we substitute for thought, framed in words. Even our prejudices and opinions are framed in words. The words we think in and say are a category of action. It is therefore useful to examine the words that express our basic approaches to life in order to look for improvement. To get our lives into their best possible order, we need to understand some basic truths. The most basic is that there is no separation between the physical (tangible), and non-physical (intangible) aspects of life. A mind-heart without a body is a figment of science fiction. Please write down all the words of intangibles that attach to life such as beliefs, faith, love, imagination, dreams, life, hope, fear, hate etc. Then write down all the words that relate to the tangible aspects of life like action, body, wood, water, food. The list of tangibles and intangibles is endless. However, the inseparability of tangible and intangible aspects is summed up in the Japanese words Myo-ho. Why use Japanese words? The concept originated in Japan and can’t be expressed as well in another language. Write down all the words for causes you can think of and effects those causes can have. They are all summed up in the words Ren-ge. Causes simultaneously produce effects like the flower and the seed of the lotus. Everything is always changing. Write down all the words that come to mind about things changing-Clouds, faces, butterflies, concepts, memories and on and on. They are all summed up in the Japanese word Kyo. Because everything is always changing, no one is stuck where shehe is. The three words Myoho Renge Kyo include every aspect of life and serve as the Placebo Effect Enhancement Tool. How is the HMET used? Add the shortened Sanskrit verb for focusing intention, or giving respect, and create Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. This, spoken repeatedly with the palms pressed together, focuses the mind-brain-body on the essential realities. It releases delusions and limitations as reliably as vitamin C cures scurvy. It works best when conducted together with a support group of people who are also trying to have great lives by training their mind-heart-bodies by using the LOT. Source: Or Caveat; SGI does not use the term Placebo Effect Enhancement Tool and may use additional translations of Myoho, Renge, and Kyo. The term is my attempt to summarize the essence of the philosophy taught by SGI in functional language and show one of its most important applications.

Answer: Wo-Repeatedly and it definitely helps me with various cuts, bruises, sprains and aches. Magic is for mushroom hunters in the forest, but cognitive training to direct intention toward healing is very effective. A lot of intention based therapy directions seem to be based on hope and belief, but your modification of generalists document is all realistic.

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