food and nutrition

Withdrawal Symptoms Of Caffeine

Question: Is there anything to help with caffeine withdrawal symptoms? I really want to stop drinking diet soda and after several attempts I think it would be easier to start smoking and try to quit. I have tried weaning off and that only works for a little bit and then I keep adding one, then two more sodas a day until I am back to where I was in the beginnging. I can easliy drink 6 or more cans a day. I am thinking of going cold turkey since that was the one way I was able to in the past but I can't afford to spend a week or more with migraines. Anyone have any advise?

Answer: i am trully happy if you can stop those bad habits. In fact, diet soda doesn't help much for your health, i mean diet. Smoking is not gơod for your lungs, however, it's inconvenient for you to smoke, because it can affect to everyone else (children) You tried to quit all that, that's a gơod thing. Instead of quitting those habits, just used fresh water. In our body, 70% is water, water can prevent the disease or any symtoms, if you already have the symtoms, should go to sêe a doctor.

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