food and nutrition

Alternative Medicine For Allergy

Question: Alternative medicine treatment for adult male with dog allergy? My boyfriend of 6 yrs had always been allergic to some types of cats. In November we helped a friend, and purchased one of her 9 Lab puppies. My boyfriend had lived off and on around another Lab dog, and there weren't any problems. Ordinarily, his allergies only become an issue around longer hair cats, and in the Spring/Summer/Fall (pollen). With all that said, we thought getting a Lab puppy in the Winter would be fine. It has not been. Usually, he gets a break from allergy symptoms, but that didn't happen. Only thing different is the puppy. Are there any homeopathic or alternative medicines out there to treat a dog allergy?? We're moving to southwest FL March 1. Will the warmer more humid climate there help or make worse? We were guessing worse. Thank you

Answer: This is a tough one, because you're not going to like the answer. The best thing to do is to avoid the allergen, which in this case would mean getting rid of the puppy. However, if you really, really don't want to get rid of the dog there are herbs that are used to treat allergies. You can see a qualified naturopathic physician to get a prescription for a tincture. You could also have your boyfriend use antihistamines if you are inclined to pharmaceuticals instead. The best thing to do in the meantime is to sweep/vacuum constantly to keep the hair level down and don't let the dog near where your boyfriend sleeps. Keeping the dog out of the bedrooms entirely will at least give your boyfriend a haven where he can breathe free until another solution is implemented. Um, Gary, in your quote from "Dr. Wikipedia" it states that homeopathy was not effective as an allergy treatment. This does NOT say that herbal medicine or other alternative treatments are not effective.

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