food and nutrition

Child's Diet

Question: If you eliminate certain foods from a ADHD child's diet what can they eat? My six year old daughter has ADHD. I thought of eliminating milk, wheat, preservatives/additives, dyes, sugars, and caffeine from her diet to see if the symptoms go away. But I am not sure what to feed her except fruits and vegetables which I know she won't eat. She is on medication but it is having side effects and I am not sure to continue the medication but that is up to the doctor. Any suggestions?

Answer: One thing you can do is keep a food journal. Write down everything your child eats and how your child behaves that day. My son was NOT allergic, but INTOLERANT to dairy, eggs, raw pineapple, cashews, apples, dyes, sulftites and phosphates. If he ate those, he would act just like a child with ADHD and would have been diagnosed with that. The doctors just would not listen to me.. so I kept the food journal and was able to figure out what was causing his misbehavior, his crying, etc. Once these were taken out of his diet, he was completely wonderful. :) Hope this helps! Here is an elimination diet - you can also look at this site for food journal info:

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