food and nutrition


Question: Dermatitis? My friend has dermatitis for 10 years already. Different doctors say different things - it's because of food, her mood, the weather... I really want to help her w/ some advise. Do any of you out there know the most common factors that cause dermatitis, what medicine helps, when does it usually go off... Hopefully someone knows a website where all of those things are listed? Thank you sooooo much

Answer: The cause of dermatitis depends on the type of dermatitis. You said your friend has seen doctors but have any of those doctors been a dermatologist? If not, that is the first see a dermatologist...a specialist in skin disorders. Just as the cause of dermatitis depends on the type, so does the treatment. So it is hard to give any real answers without a lot more detail. However, here is an excellent website, where the language is not technical, that may be of help to your friend and you:

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