food and nutrition

Eating Out

Question: eating out? Do you eat out as a convenient or as a luxury? We eat out as a luxury, actually sit down order meals. Not always a fancy schnacy place, but place with good food.

Answer: I grew up that you got take out on friday nights to kinda celebrate pay day and chill after a stressfull week, we went to sit down rest. to treat oursleves to somethign special now as an adult we order take out as an every day thing I am around a different kind of pepole now so they do not have familky meals you fend for yourslef, the only time they get home cooked food is when i pinch pennies and make them all somethign to eat, but everyone jsut gets what they want to eat, chineese pizza, I have a hard time, but everyoine has been raised different. So now if we go to sit down and eat it is very rare and specail, but Take out is a neccesaity lol.

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