food and nutrition

Gain Weight

Question: Gain weight? I am a 13 year-old female and I weigh 90 pounds and I am 5'3. I've checked on websites and they all state that my weight is normal but when people look at me they always claim that "I'm like a twig." It really annoys me how they say that and since summer is comign up I'm going to have to wear a bathing suit. I eat like an average person and I try to get enough exercise and eat from all the food groups. I haven't had my period yet and I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on how to gain more weight in a healthy way so that I don't look so skinny but look like other girls. I would like to gain 10-15 pounds. Also tell me how long it will take to gain the weight with your suggestion.

Answer: The best way for you to gain weight is to eat a balanced diet. Eat proteins like chicken, lean beef, Eggs, Fish because they build muscle and muscle weighs more than fat and it is more dense and will make you look like your not a twig. In addition you need to eat good sources of carbohydrates like wheat bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes, grainy pastas, and vegetables. Since your on the thin side go ahead and eat a few sweets here and there. If you work out you will gain muscle and that will ultimately help you gain ten or fifteen pounds. If you work out with weights a three times a week for a half hour and eat right you can expect to gain your weight in twelve weeks. You will definitely see results if you do this. Also you need to eat about 2200 calories a day. If your are still not gaining weight up your caloric intake by a hundred pounds a week until you do gain weight. Here is a link that may help you:

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