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Question: happiness.................? is there such thing as true happiness? or do we delude ourselves in to thinking there is and in our life we only strive for happiness, but never really achieve true happiness?

Answer: True happiness --what I define as contentment-- is not having all we want, but wanting what we have. It is not something we strive for, rather, it's something we achieve without ever really knowing how we got there in the first place. Look around you, at your home, husband, children, career. Would you part with any of this, should the chance present itself? If yes, then you must take the necessary steps to change the things you can. In doing so, there is a better chance that you will achieve happiness. If you said no, then you already have more than many will ever know, so appreciate what you've got. Find pleasure in the small things, such as the way your child's face lights up when he sees you, how your husband scrapes the snow from your car in the winter, how your boss smiles at you when the job has been done well, and before deadline. You can search for happiness all you like, but it's very nature is elusive. Looking for it is one way to guarantee you'll never find it. Allow happiness to come to you. When you stop searching, you'll realize it has been there all along.

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