food and nutrition

Joint Pain Remedy

Question: Does anyone know a good remedy for hip and knee joint pain? Arthritis and such runs in the family, my grandmother doesn't even have her real hips anymore. The pains have been getting worse and it's definitely not from a lack of movement. Does anyone know of joint meds or even doctors? Homeopathic medicine, just anything. I'm in Northern NJ.

Answer: Grandma has Osteoarthritis, wear and tear, old age. However you may want to see a Podiatrist. reason how you feet hit the ground may be wrong, especially as you are active and if that is wrong, it will upset the ankles, then the knees, then the hips and eventually the spine. So get to see a Podiatrist, ask them to analyze your gait, how you walk, run and then see if you are rolling your feet. Best of Luck

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