food and nutrition


Question: VITAMIN/MINERAL/PHYTONUTRIENT OVERLOAD!!!? I just realized how crazy the amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients I've been shoving down my throat...Understandable that the body only absorbs a specific amount of vitamins, phytonutrients etc. and if there is an excessive amount of these, then it's just flushed out of your digestive system, wasted. Besides all the crap I eat on a daily basis, I make sure that I get my 1000 mg of vitamin C, my multivitamin fortified with iron, spirulina/bluegreen algae/cyanobacteria pills, and triple chlorophyll pills...and if I workout that day, I take myoplex which is a lean muscle supplement thats PACKED with MORE vitamins...My question is, if you take in all this stuff (I'm a health freak, not a body builder but I do like to keep in shape) will I have the total effects of the spirulina and chlorophyll?

Answer: You can have a serious overdose of lipophylic vitamins (A, D, E and K).

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