food and nutrition

Secondary Hyperparathyroidism

Question: Do fat people understand that Bariatric Surgery is not easy way out? The following is a list of possible side-effects and complications to consider before having weight-loss surgery. We will discuss these in more detail at your office consultation. 1. Anastomotic leak (leak from a connection made to the bowel, usually requires re-operation and long hospital stay) 2. Anastomotic stricture (narrowing or obstruction at an intestinal connection resulting in vomiting) 3. Bowel obstruction/strangulation/internal hernia/ischemic bowel possibly needing removal (associated with pain and vomiting, usually requires re-operation) 4. Injury to an abdominal or pelvic organ/structure (especially the liver, spleen, pancreas, bile duct, stomach, esophagus, colon, bowel, diaphragm, urinary bladder, nerve or blood vessel) 5. Conversion to an open operation (due to bleeding, poor exposure, large liver, tension on intestines, etc.) 6. Incisional hernia (more likely if procedure is done open) 7. Infection or abscess (due to a leak, spillage of intestinal contents, underlying infection, etc) 8. Bleeding and the potential need for blood transfusion. Blood transfusion carries the risk of infection with bacteria, parasites (malaria), and viruses (hepatitis, HIV/AIDS). 9. Need for additional surgery or procedures to treat any complication that may occur 10. Prolonged hospital stay or readmission may be needed to treat complications 11. Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clot in a vein) 12. Pulmonary Embolus (blood clot going to lung, fatal 30% of the time) 13. Atelectasis (lung collapse causing fevers, possibly pneumonia) 14. Pneumonia, lung infection and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) 15. Heart attack (myocardial infarction) 16. Stroke 17. Pancreatitis 18. Rhabdomyalysis (breakdown of the muscle in the body) 19. Pressure ulcer or decubitus (skin breakdown, may require skin grafting) 20. Allergic reaction to anesthesia, medications or materials 21. Nerve or ligament injury from positioning or lying on the operating table 22. Kidney failure and/or the need for dialysis 23. Need for ICU care 24. Need for a ventilator (machine to help you breathe) 25. Multi-system organ failure (liver, kidneys, lungs, etc.) 26. Poor cosmetic results (ugly scar, keloid, unattractive incisions, contour defects) 27. Chronic pain, discomfort, numbness, burning or tingling in the incisions or anywhere else (abdomen, back, extremities) 28. Transient or chronic nausea/vomiting due to strictures, gastroparesis, food intolerance, etc. 29. Dysphagia (difficulty or painful swallowing) 30. Diarrhea, constipation, foul smelling gas and stools 31. Heartburn (acid reflux) symptoms 32. Ulcers or gastritis 33. Intestinal perforation due to ulcer, foreign body, obstructed food, etc. 34. Development of food intolerances/loss of taste 35. Dumping syndrome (abdominal pain, heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, diarrhea) 36. Hair loss or thinning 37. Development of malnutrition or vitamin deficiency 38. Anemia 39. Metabolic bone disease (loosing calcium from the bone because of inadequate intake and supplementation) with possible osteoporosis, secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone fractures 40. Failure to lose an adequate amount of weight 41. Loss of too much weight 42. Development of loose or redundant skin 43. Sterility or inability to become pregnant 44. Increased ability to become pregnant 45. Birth defects or fetal injury if you become pregnant. This is less likely once weight has stabilized and laboratory tests are normal. Usually, about 2 years after surgery. 46. Postoperative depression or other psychological reaction to surgery 47. Need to revise or reverse the procedure at some point in the future because of nutritional deficiencies, excessive weight loss, pain or other reasons 48. Extended disability, financial hardship as a result of complications related to weight loss surgery 49. Parts of your stomach and/or intestines will be inaccessible by endoscopy. 50. Death (1% nationwide) within 30 days

Answer: It's just amazing how thousands and thousands of people have actually survived this surgery and are now healthy and happy. How long would your list be if you listed all the things that morbid obesity causes in a person. It would be much longer and certainly more serious than those you listed. You get this surgery to save your life. It has done that for my husband who is doing just great with it. He hasn't had a single problem yet other than getting adjusted to eating the right amount to not feel so full. He has lost 80 pounds and feels great. He is so much more active and actually takes long walks all the time. His energy level has skyrocketed. He started planting a garden yesterday and doesn't need anyone to help him get down on the ground to do it which he hasn't done in many years. He doesn't get out of breath like before. His blood pressure has dropped enough to lower his medication for it. Obesity caused him to have both his knees replaced and it still bothered him. Now he no longer has any pain in his knees, and he walks with ease. Next week, we are going to start riding our bikes. I always have had to do it without him, but no more. He is going along with others family and friends. This surgery has done much more for him than anyone can imagine. I don't know why you want to keep running it down, but it is a real lifesaver to many people. Yes, there are risks. But the real question is whether or not the risks of staying obese are greater than the surgery. Most doctors will agree that obesity is the bigger risk for anyone morbidly obese. My husband loves his new life without all that weight. He knew all the risks before he had it done. It was well worth taking those risks for his good health now.

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